Setting up machines prior to production as well as monitoring and correcting them as needed.
This occupation is found in the Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (AME) sector. AME includes Aerospace, Automotive, Maritime Defence, Nuclear and Construction sectors. Machining technicians produce complex and precision machined products that are typically used in machinery. For example, aeroplanes and vehicles. They can also produce bespoke components or products for domestic appliances or medical equipment. They use a variety of machines to carry out their work. For example, centre lathes, vertical and horizontal milling machines, horizontal and cylindrical grinding machines. Electro discharge machines, single and multi-axis Computer Numeric Control (CNC) machine tools centres. Gear cutting and Gear Grinding machines.
The broad purpose of the occupation is to produce complex and precision work by machining components. Components are machined from metal or specialist materials using conventional or CNC machine tools. Machining Technicians interpret information and plan their activities. They also set up, operate, adjust or edit machine tool settings. When using CNC equipment, they can produce, prove or edit programmes. They inspect components and machinery, report issues and support continuous improvement activities. They typically work in a manufacturing environment. Depending on the organisation, they may be required to work at height or work shifts.
In their daily work, an employee in this occupation interacts with other Machining Technicians. They also interact with various stakeholders. They typically report to an engineering or manufacturing team leader. Typically, this would be as part of a defined or cross functional team. They may also interact with customers, suppliers, colleagues, quality auditors and regulators.
An employee in this occupation will be responsible for the quality and accuracy of their work. They also must work efficiently and be productive in the work they undertake. They must work both individually and as part of a larger team. They must work within the relevant health, safety and environmental regulations. This includes the use of appropriate protective clothing and equipment. They are responsible for the correct use and housekeeping of machinery, tools and equipment. All work must be completed in a safe and efficient manner as directed by supervisory staff.
This summary page outlines the information that you and your employer need to know about your end-point assessment (EPA). You and your employer should also read the end-point assessment plan for the full details including roles and responsibilities, assessment method requirements and re-sits and re-takes.
An EPA is an assessment at the end of the apprenticeship. It assesses your competence against the knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSBs) on the occupational standard. You will have been trained on them during your training, both on and off the job. The EPA is your chance to show an independent assessor you can do the occupation you have been trained for. Your employer will only recommend you start the EPA when you have finished your training and both your employer and you think you are ready. Your employer will choose an end-point assessment organisation (EPAO) to deliver the EPA. Your employer and training provider should provide you with support on what to expect and how to prepare for your EPA.
The typical length of the on-programme (training) part of this apprenticeship is 42 months. The end-point assessment period will typically last 3 months.
The grades available for this apprenticeship are:
Practical demonstration with questions
Interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence
Knowledge test
At the end of the apprenticeship, and having passed the EPA, you will be awarded with your apprenticeship certificate.
The gateway is the point when all on-programme training and any mandatory qualification requirements have been met. When you have completed your training and your employer says you are competent in your occupation, you enter the gateway. The EPAO will check any mandatory qualifications are complete. They will tell you how to submit any necessary documents (for example, a portfolio). After the EPAO confirms that you have met all the requirements, the EPA starts.
When you reach the gateway, you need to complete the following:
Where geometric tolerances are appropriate to the specific features these will be set by the EPAO in accordance with the practical demonstration task.
Portfolio of evidence requirements:
The apprentice must compile a portfolio of evidence during the on-programme period of the apprenticeship. It should only contain evidence related to the KSBs that will be assessed by this assessment method. It will typically contain 8 discrete pieces of evidence. Evidence must be mapped against the KSBs. Evidence may be used to demonstrate more than one KSB; a qualitative as opposed to quantitative approach is suggested.
Evidence sources may include:
This is not a definitive list; other evidence sources can be included.
The portfolio of evidence should not include reflective accounts or any methods of self-assessment. Any employer contributions should focus on direct observation of performance (for example, witness statements) rather than opinions. The evidence provided should be valid and attributable to the apprentice; the portfolio of evidence should contain a statement from the employer and apprentice confirming this.
The EPAO should not assess the portfolio of evidence directly as it underpins the interview. Independent assessors should review the portfolio of evidence to prepare questions for the interview assessment method. They are not required to provide feedback after this review.
This occupation is found in the Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (AME) sector. AME includes Aerospace, Automotive, Maritime Defence, Nuclear and Construction sectors. Machining technicians produce complex and precision machined products that are typically used in machinery. For example, aeroplanes and vehicles. They can also produce bespoke components or products for domestic appliances or medical equipment. They use a variety of machines to carry out their work. For example, centre lathes, vertical and horizontal milling machines, horizontal and cylindrical grinding machines. Electro discharge machines, single and multi-axis Computer Numeric Control (CNC) machine tools centres. Gear cutting and Gear Grinding machines.
The broad purpose of the occupation is to produce complex and precision work by machining components. Components are machined from metal or specialist materials using conventional or CNC machine tools. Machining Technicians interpret information and plan their activities. They also set up, operate, adjust or edit machine tool settings. When using CNC equipment, they can produce, prove or edit programmes. They inspect components and machinery, report issues and support continuous improvement activities. They typically work in a manufacturing environment. Depending on the organisation, they may be required to work at height or work shifts.
In their daily work, an employee in this occupation interacts with other Machining Technicians. They also interact with various stakeholders. They typically report to an engineering or manufacturing team leader. Typically, this would be as part of a defined or cross functional team. They may also interact with customers, suppliers, colleagues, quality auditors and regulators.
An employee in this occupation will be responsible for the quality and accuracy of their work. They also must work efficiently and be productive in the work they undertake. They must work both individually and as part of a larger team. They must work within the relevant health, safety and environmental regulations. This includes the use of appropriate protective clothing and equipment. They are responsible for the correct use and housekeeping of machinery, tools and equipment. All work must be completed in a safe and efficient manner as directed by supervisory staff.
Individual employers will set the recruitment and selection criteria for their Apprenticeships. In order to optimise success, candidates will typically have 4 GCSEs at Grade 4 or Grade C or equivalent, including mathematics, English and a Science.
Duty | KSBs |
Duty 1 Conduct safety checks and performance monitoring for machining, associated equipment and surrounding work area. |
Duty 2 Receive, read and interpret engineering data and documentation, engineering drawings and technical data. Contribute to or plan the days machining schedule. |
Duty 3 Check and inspect materials to be machined to ensure that they conform to quality standards. Identify and report any issues or faults such as incorrect grades, dimensions and thicknesses. |
Duty 4 Plan and prepare sequence for the machining activities. Ensure that the correct tooling, work holding, and materials are used. This applies to conventional complex or CNC complex machining tasks. |
Duty 5 Set up, operate, adjust or edit conventional or CNC machining equipment settings and programmes for the machine tool being used. |
Duty 6 Machine high-quality complex components using a broad range of processes. For example, internal or external thread cutting, slots and pockets, internal or external under cutting. Also profile forms, tapered and eccentric diameters, bored holes, and tee slots. |
Duty 7 Inspect components produced. Adjust the machining equipment or programme and tooling to ensure components meet quality requirements. |
Duty 8 Identify, communicate and report issues affecting machining component quality, quantity and deadlines. |
Duty 9 Complete machining documentation at all stages of the work activity. For example, standard operational procedures, control documentation and contribution to audits. |
Duty 10 Maintain and restore the machining work area, performing housekeeping and waste management as appropriate. Ensure tools, unused materials and equipment are returned to a safe, clean and approved condition on completion of machining work. |
Duty 11 Keep stakeholders for example, customers, colleagues and line managers informed about machining work. |
Duty 12 Perform scheduled daily inspection and machine shut down or safe isolation. |
Duty 13 Support continuous improvement activity to address business problems. |
K1: Awareness of health and safety regulations, relevance to the occupation and the Machinist's responsibilities. Health and Safety at Work Act; Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH); Working in Confined Spaces; Lone Working; Provision of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER); Electrical Safety and Compliance; Noise Regulation; Slips Trips and Falls; Display Screen Equipment; The Reporting of Injuries, Disease and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR), Manual Handling, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), risk assessments and method statements and the implications of not adhering to guidelines and procedures.
Back to Duty
K2: Awareness of hazardous waste regulations; Recyclable materials and waste disposal procedures and the implications of not complying with regulations and procedures.
Back to Duty
K3: Awareness of environment and sustainability regulations, relevance to the occupation and the Machining Technician's responsibilities. Environmental Protection Act; Sustainability; Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE); Energy monitoring; Data logging to optimise energy performance; The Climate Change Agreements; Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC).
Back to Duty
K4: Engineering representations, drawings, graphical information and specifications.
Back to Duty
K5: Engineering mathematical and scientific principles: calculations, conversions, flow rates and equipment sizing.
Back to Duty
K6: Planning techniques, time management, workflow, work scheduling, work plans, documents and work categorisation systems.
Back to Duty
K7: Engineering materials and their structure, properties and characteristics; impact on use, how and why engineering materials can fail.
Back to Duty
K8: Awareness of engineering standards and regulations: British Standards (BS); International Organisation for Standardisation standards (ISO); European Norm (EN); Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).
Back to Duty
K9: Tooling and work-holding devices: purpose and operation of devices for carrying out complex machining tasks.
Back to Duty
K10: Engineering machining processes tools and equipment: Milling; Turning; Grinding; Electro Discharge Machine (EDM); Gear Cutting.
Back to Duty
K11: Machining operations and techniques to produce complex components.
Back to Duty
K12: Quality assurance: principles, practices and record keeping.
Back to Duty
K13: Fault finding, diagnostic methods and techniques for identifying engineering and manufacturing problems. Escalation techniques.
Back to Duty
K14: Use and application of measurement, calibration and testing equipment.
Back to Duty
K15: Communication techniques: verbal. Machining industry terminology.
Back to Duty
K16: Documentation - electronic and paper.
Back to Duty
K17: Housekeeping and maintenance practices and techniques: planned, preventative and predictive methods, frequency, and reactive activities.
Back to Duty
K18: How organisations vary regarding their work, culture, values and production processes in the Machining industry.
Back to Duty
K19: Inspection processes and procedures; documentation and escalation.
Back to Duty
K20: Technological development and innovation in the machining sector; Industry 4.0; digitalisation.
Back to Duty
K21: Continuous improvement principles and practices: Lean; Six Sigma; Kaizen.
Back to Duty
K22: Equality, diversity and inclusion requirements in the workplace.
Back to Duty
K23: Stock and services considerations. Availability, stock lead times. Correct handling. Stock value. Faulty stock and returns process.
Back to Duty
S1: Comply with statutory health and safety regulations and procedures.
Back to Duty
S2: Comply with environmental, ethical and sustainability regulations and procedures: safe disposal of waste, re-cycling or re-use of materials and efficient use of resources.
Back to Duty
S3: Prepare and set up conventional or CNC machines.
Back to Duty
S4: Operate and adjust conventional or CNC machines.
Back to Duty
S5: Apply risk assessment and hazard identification processes and procedures in the work area.
Back to Duty
S6: Monitor, obtain and check stock and supplies, and complete stock returns.
Back to Duty
S7: Record information - paper based or electronic. For example, energy usage, job sheets, risk assessments, equipment service records, test results, handover documents and manufacturers' documentation, asset management records, work sheets, checklists, waste environmental records and any legal reporting requirements.
Back to Duty
S8: Read and interpret information. For example, data and documentation used to produce machined components.
Back to Duty
S9: Apply engineering, mathematical and scientific principles.
Back to Duty
S10: Plan and organise own work and resources.
Back to Duty
S11: Follow and apply inspection, quality assurance procedures and processes.
Back to Duty
S12: Select machining process.
Back to Duty
S13: Select and setup tooling and work holding devices.
Back to Duty
S14: Set and adjust machine operating parameters. For example, setting feeds and speeds for roughing and finishing operations, downloading and editing programmes when using a CNC machine tool.
Back to Duty
S15: Apply machining operations and techniques to produce complex components with features. For example, parallel; stepped; angular diameters and faces; grooves; slots; recesses and undercuts; radii and chamfers; internal and external forms and profiles; reamed; bored; drilled and electro eroded holes; internal and external screw threads.
Back to Duty
S16: Measure and check components.
Back to Duty
S17: Select and check condition of tools and equipment. Identify issues, resolve and take action as needed.
Back to Duty
S18: Identify and action issues in the manufacturing process.
Back to Duty
S19: Apply fault-finding and diagnostic testing procedures to identify faults. Diagnose and resolve issues. Escalate issues.
Back to Duty
S20: Maintain the work area and return any resources and consumables.
Back to Duty
S21: Communicate with others verbally. For example, colleagues and stakeholders.
Back to Duty
S22: Follow machine shut down, safe isolation, handover, start up or warm up procedures. Escalate issues.
Back to Duty
S23: Apply continuous improvement techniques. Devise suggestions for improvement.
Back to Duty
S24: Apply ethical principles.
Back to Duty
S25: Apply team working principles.
Back to Duty
B1: Prioritise health and safety.
Back to Duty
B2: Act ethically.
Back to Duty
B3: Take responsibility for work.
Back to Duty
B4: Team-focus to meet work goals, for example, work effectively with others, resolves issues in discussion with others.
Back to Duty
B5: Committed to continued professional development (CPD) to maintain and enhance competence in their own area of practice.
Back to Duty
B6: Support an equality, diverse and inclusive culture.
Back to Duty
Apprentices without level 2 English and maths will need to achieve this level prior to taking the End-Point Assessment. For those with an education, health and care plan or a legacy statement, the apprenticeship’s English and maths minimum requirement is Entry Level 3. A British Sign Language (BSL) qualification is an alternative to the English qualification for those whose primary language is BSL.
Level: 3
Ofqual regulated
EAL L3 Extended diploma in Machining (Development Knowledge) minimum 720GLH.
Level: 3
Ofqual regulated
Level: 3
Ofqual regulated
This standard aligns with the following professional recognition:
This document explains the requirements for end-point assessment (EPA) for the machining technician apprenticeship. End-point assessment organisations (EPAOs) must follow this when designing and delivering the EPA.
Machining technician apprentices, their employers and training providers should read this document.
An approved EPAO must conduct the EPA for this apprenticeship. Employers must select an approved EPAO from the Education and Skills Funding Agency’s Register of end-point assessment organisations (RoEPAO).
A full-time apprentice typically spends 42 months on-programme (this means in training before the gateway) working towards competence as a machining technician. All apprentices must spend at least 12 months on-programme. All apprentices must complete the required amount of off-the-job training specified by the apprenticeship funding rules.
This EPA has 3 assessment methods.
The grades available for each assessment method are:
Assessment method 1 - practical demonstration with questions:
Assessment method 2 - interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence:
Assessment method 3 - knowledge test:
The result from each assessment method is combined to decide the overall apprenticeship grade. The following grades are available for the apprenticeship:
On-programme (typically 42 months)
The apprentice must complete training to develop the knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSBs) of the occupational standard.
The apprentice must complete training towards English and maths qualifications in line with the apprenticeship funding rules The apprentice must complete training towards any other qualifications listed in the occupational standard. The qualification(s) required is: EAL L3 Extended diploma in Machining (Development Knowledge) or Pearson BTEC Level 3 diploma in Advanced manufacturing engineering (Machining) (Development Technical Knowledge) or City and Guilds Machining technician (1273) |
End-point assessment gateway
The employer must be content that the apprentice is working at or above the occupational standard.
The apprentice’s employer must confirm that they think the apprentice:
The apprentice must have passed any other qualifications listed in the machining technician occupational standard ST1305.
EAL L3 Extended diploma in Machining (Development Knowledge)
Pearson BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Advanced Manufacturing Engineering (Machining) (Development Technical Knowledge)
City and Guilds Machining technician (1273) The apprentice must have achieved English and maths qualifications in line with the apprenticeship funding rules. For the interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence the apprentice must submit a portfolio of evidence. The apprentice must submit any policies and procedures as requested by the EPAO. |
End-point assessment (typically 3 months)
Grades available for each assessment method:
Practical demonstration with questions
Interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence
Knowledge test
Overall EPA and apprenticeship can be graded:
Professional recognition
This apprenticeship aligns with Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) for Engineering Technician (EngTech)
The apprenticeship will either wholly or partially satisfy the requirements for registration at this level. This apprenticeship aligns with Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) for Engineering Technician (EngTech) The apprenticeship will either wholly or partially satisfy the requirements for registration at this level. This apprenticeship aligns with Institute of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) for Engineering Technician (EngTech) The apprenticeship will either wholly or partially satisfy the requirements for registration at this level. |
Re-sits and re-takes
The EPA is taken in the EPA period. The EPA period starts when the EPAO confirms the gateway requirements have been met and is typically 3 months.
The expectation is that the EPAO will confirm the gateway requirements have been met and the EPA starts as quickly as possible.
The apprentice’s employer must confirm that they think their apprentice is working at or above the occupational standard. The apprentice will then enter the gateway. The employer may take advice from the apprentice's training provider(s), but the employer must make the decision.
The apprentice must meet the gateway requirements before starting their EPA.
These are:
Where geometric tolerances are appropriate to the specific features these will be set by the EPAO in accordance with the practical demonstration task.
Portfolio of evidence requirements:
The apprentice must compile a portfolio of evidence during the on-programme period of the apprenticeship. It should only contain evidence related to the KSBs that will be assessed by this assessment method. It will typically contain 8 discrete pieces of evidence. Evidence must be mapped against the KSBs. Evidence may be used to demonstrate more than one KSB; a qualitative as opposed to quantitative approach is suggested.
Evidence sources may include:
This is not a definitive list; other evidence sources can be included.
The portfolio of evidence should not include reflective accounts or any methods of self-assessment. Any employer contributions should focus on direct observation of performance (for example, witness statements) rather than opinions. The evidence provided should be valid and attributable to the apprentice; the portfolio of evidence should contain a statement from the employer and apprentice confirming this.
The EPAO should not assess the portfolio of evidence directly as it underpins the interview. Independent assessors should review the portfolio of evidence to prepare questions for the interview assessment method. They are not required to provide feedback after this review.
The apprentice must submit any policies and procedures as requested by the EPAO.
The assessment methods can be delivered in any order.
The result of one assessment method does not need to be known before starting the next.
In a practical demonstration with questions, an independent assessor observes the apprentice completing a task or series of tasks set by the EPAO. The EPAO decides where it takes place. The assessment environment must closely relate to the apprentice’s natural working environment. This allows the apprentice to demonstrate the KSBs mapped to this assessment method.
This EPA assessment method is being used because:
The practical demonstration with questions must be structured to give the apprentice the opportunity to demonstrate the KSBs mapped to this assessment method to the highest available grade.
An independent assessor must conduct and assess the practical demonstration with questions.
The independent assessor must only observe one apprentice at a time to ensure quality and rigour. They must be as unobtrusive as possible.
The EPAO must give an apprentice at least 2 weeks notice of the practical demonstration with questions.
The practical demonstration with questions must take 4.5 hours.
The independent assessor can increase the time of the practical demonstration with questions by up to 10%. This time is to allow the apprentice to complete a task or respond to a question if necessary.
The practical demonstration with questions cannot be split, other than for comfort breaks or to allow apprentices to move from one location to another. Where breaks occur, they will not count towards the total EPA time.
EPAOs must manage invigilation of the apprentice during the assessment, to maintain security of the EPA, in line with their malpractice policy. This includes breaks and moving between locations during the working day.
The independent assessor must explain to the apprentice the format and timescales of the practical demonstration with questions before it starts. This does not count towards the assessment time.
The independent assessor must observe the following during the practical assessment:
a. preparing work area; using health and safety controls
b. use of information and documentation, including drawings and risk assessments
c. selecting appropriate tools and work holding devices; prepare and setup either:
d. performing machining operation; setting and adjusting operating parameters; selecting speeds and feeds; combining a minimum of 3 different operations to produce complex components with a minimum of 3 different features using one type of machine that could include:
Conventional or CNC lathe
Conventional or CNC Milling machine
Conventional or CNC surface or cylindrical grinding machine
e. using equipment to measure and check the machined component with a minimum of 3 features. The manufactured component with a minimum of 3 features must conform to all quality and accuracy standards applicable to the machine and operations being performed and must be verified by the independent assessor. Quality and accuracy standards must include applicable tolerances below:
f. maintaining a safe machine and work area throughout the machining process; checking the condition of tools and equipment identifying and actioning issues
The list above is not exhaustive and the EPAO and the employer should discuss suitable machine types. Tolerances will be set by the EPAO if the machine is not specified.
These activities provide the apprentice with the opportunity to demonstrate the KSBs mapped to this assessment method.
The independent assessor must ask questions. The purpose of the independent assessor's questions will be to support assessment in the following themes:
The independent assessor's questions will also test the apprentice’s breadth and depth of underpinning knowledge against the grading descriptors.
Questions must be asked after the practical. The total duration of the practical is 4.5 hours and the time for questioning is included in the overall assessment time. The total time for the practical element is 4 hours. The time allocated for questioning is 30 minutes.
The independent assessor must ask at least 5 questions. The independent assessor must use the questions from their EPAO’s question bank or create their own questions in-line with the EPAO’s training.
The independent assessor can ask follow-up questions to clarify answers given by the apprentice. These questions are in addition to the above set number of questions for the practical demonstration with questions and should be kept to a minimum.
The independent assessor must keep accurate records of the assessment. They must record:
The independent assessor must make the grading decision. The practical assessment and responses to questions must be assessed holistically by the independent assessor when they are deciding the grade.
The practical demonstration with questions will take place in a simulated environment selected by the EPAO (for example the EPAO’s or employer’s premises). The simulated environment must relate to the apprentice’s natural work environment. Equipment and resources needed for the practical demonstration with questions must be provided by the EPAO, who can liaise with the employer to provide these.
Questioning that occurs after the practical demonstration with questions should take place in a quiet room, free from distractions and influence.
The EPAO must develop a purpose-built assessment specification and question bank. It is recommended this is done in consultation with employers of this occupation. The EPAO should maintain the security and confidentiality of EPA materials when consulting employers. The assessment specification and question bank must be reviewed at least once a year to ensure they remain fit-for-purpose.
The assessment specification must be relevant to the occupation and demonstrate how to assess the KSBs mapped to this assessment method. The EPAO must ensure that questions are refined and developed to a high standard. The questions must be unpredictable. A question bank of sufficient size will support this.
The EPAO must ensure that the apprentice has a different set of questions in the case of re-sits or re-takes.
The EPAO must produce the following materials to support the practical demonstration with questions:
In the interview, an independent assessor asks the apprentice questions. The apprentice can refer to and illustrate their answers with evidence from their portfolio of evidence. It gives the apprentice the opportunity to demonstrate the KSBs mapped to this EPA method.
This EPA method is being used because:
The interview must be structured to give the apprentice the opportunity to demonstrate the KSBs mapped to this assessment method to the highest available grade.
An independent assessor must conduct and assess the interview.
The purpose of the independent assessor's questions will be to cover the following themes:
The EPAO must give an apprentice at least 2 weeks notice of the interview.
The independent assessor must have at least 2 week(s) to review the supporting documentation.
The apprentice must have access to their portfolio of evidence during the interview.
The apprentice can refer to and illustrate their answers with evidence from their portfolio of evidence. However, the portfolio of evidence is not directly assessed.
The interview must last for 60 minutes. The independent assessor can increase the time of the interview by up to 10%. This time is to allow the apprentice to respond to a question if necessary.
The independent assessor must ask at least 10 questions. Follow-up questions are allowed where clarification is required. The independent assessor must use the questions from their EPAO’s question bank or create their own questions in-line with the EPAO’s training.
The independent assessor must make the grading decision. The independent assessor must keep accurate records of the assessment. They must record:
The interview must take place in a suitable venue selected by the EPAO (for example the EPAO’s or employer’s premises).
The interview can be conducted by video conferencing. The EPAO must have processes in place to verify the identity of the apprentice and ensure the apprentice is not being aided.
The interview should take place in a quiet room, free from distractions and influence.
The EPAO must develop a purpose-built assessment specification and question bank. It is recommended this is done in consultation with employers of this occupation. The EPAO should maintain the security and confidentiality of EPA materials when consulting employers. The assessment specification and question bank must be reviewed at least once a year to ensure they remain fit-for-purpose.
The assessment specification must be relevant to the occupation and demonstrate how to assess the KSBs mapped to this assessment method. The EPAO must ensure that questions are refined and developed to a high standard. The questions must be unpredictable. A question bank of sufficient size will support this.
The EPAO must ensure that apprentice has a different set of questions in the case of re-sits or re-takes.
The EPAO must produce the following materials to support the interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence:
The EPAO must ensure that the EPA materials are subject to quality assurance procedures including standardisation, training, and moderation.
A test is an assessment for asking questions in a controlled and invigilated environment.
This EPA method is being used because it:
This method must be appropriately structured to give the apprentice the opportunity to demonstrate the KSBs mapped to this assessment method to the highest available grade.
The knowledge test can be computer or paper based.
The knowledge test will consist of 30 multiple-choice questions.
Multiple-choice questions will have four options, including one correct answer.
The apprentice must be given at least 2 weeks notice of the date and time of the knowledge test.
The apprentice must have 60 minutes to complete the test.
The knowledge test is closed book which means that the apprentice cannot refer to reference books or materials whilst taking the test.
The following equipment is allowed to be used during the knowledge test:
scientific calculator
The knowledge test must be taken in the presence of an invigilator who is the responsibility of the EPAO. Specialised (proctor) software can be used if the test can be taken on-line, to ensure the security of the test.
The EPAO must have an invigilation policy setting out how the knowledge test must be conducted. It must state the ratio of apprentices to invigilators for the setting and allow the test to take place in a secure way.
The EPAO must verify the identity of the apprentice.
The EPAO is responsible for the security of the knowledge test including the arrangements for on-line testing. The EPAO must ensure that their security arrangements maintain the validity and reliability of the knowledge test.
The knowledge test must be marked by independent assessors or markers employed by the EPAO. They must follow a marking scheme produced by the EPAO. Marking by computer is allowed where question types support this.
A correct answer gets 1 mark.
Any incorrect or missing answers get zero marks.
The EPAO is responsible for overseeing the marking of the knowledge test. The EPAO must ensure standardisation and moderation of written response test.
The apprentices must take the knowledge test in a suitably controlled and invigilated environment that is a quiet room, free from distractions and influence. The EPAO must check the venue is suitable.
The knowledge test could take place remotely if the appropriate technology and systems are in place to prevent malpractice. The EPAO must verify the apprentice’s identity and ensure invigilation of the apprentice for example with, and not limited to, 360-degree cameras and screen sharing facilities.
The EPAO must write a test specification and question bank. The specification must be relevant to the occupation and demonstrate how to assess the KSBs mapped to this assessment method. It is recommended this is done in consultation with employers of this occupation. The EPAO should maintain the security and confidentiality of EPA materials when consulting employers. The questions must be unpredictable. A question bank of sufficient size will support this. The test specification and questions must be reviewed at least once a year to ensure they remain fit-for-purpose.
The EPAO must develop purpose-built question banks and ensure that appropriate quality assurance procedures are in place, for example, considering previous item performance data, item analysis, standardisation, training and moderation. EPAOs must ensure that questions are refined and developed to a high standard.
The EPAO must ensure that apprentice has a different set of questions in the case of re-sits or re-takes.
The EPAO must produce the following materials to support the knowledge test:
Fail - does not meet pass criteria
Apprentices must demonstrate all the pass descriptors
Work environment
S1 S2 S5 S20 B1 |
Priorities health and safety and complies with statutory health and safety regulations and procedures throughout the activity. Applies risk assessment principles and hazard identification processes throughout the activity in line with organisational policy and procedure. (S1, S5, B1) Complies with environmental, ethical and sustainability regulations and procedures, throughout the activity, demonstrating the safe disposal of waste created and the efficient use of resources by reusing and recycling materials where possible. (S2) Maintains a clean, tidy and safe working area and returns any unused resources and consumables following organisational procedure. (S20)
Tools and equipment
K10 S17 |
Selects the tools and equipment required for the activity and checks their condition, identifying and actioning any issues before work commences. (K10, S17) |
K4 K6 S8 S10 |
Plans and organises the work by reading and interpreting information and documentation and applying planning, time management, workflow and scheduling techniques. (K4, K6, S8, S10)
Machine preparation
K9 S3 S12 S13 S14 |
Selects the machining process and prepares and sets up CNC or conventional machines including tooling and work holding devices to manufacture complex components with features. (S3, S12, S13) Sets up and adjusts machine operating parameters. For example, setting and editing CNC machine programmes, setting feeds and speeds for roughing and finishing operations in line with manufacturer’s instructions. (K9, S14)
Manufacture complex components with features
K11 K14 S4 S15 S16 S18 |
Operates and adjusts CNC or conventional machines, applying machining operations and techniques to manufacture complex components with features within given tolerances, identifying and resolving any issues that arise during the manufacturing process. (K11, S4, S15, S18) Uses measurement, calibration and testing equipment to check component manufactured meets specification within given tolerances. (K14, S16)
Fail - does not meet pass criteria
Apprentices must demonstrate all the pass descriptors
Apprentices must demonstrate all the pass descriptors and all of the distinction descriptors
Working in a machining environment
K18 K22 S22 S24 S25 B2 B4 B6 |
Explains how they apply ethical principles, and support diversity, equality, and an inclusive culture in the workplace. (K22, B2, B6, S24) Describes how they apply team working principles to meet their team's work goals. (S25, B4) Describes how they follow organisational procedures in the start up or warm up, shut down and hand over of machines. Explains how they have escalated issues in the process. (S22) Explains how machining processes, culture and work values vary between organisations. (K18)
Justifies their use of procedures in the start up or warm up, shut down and hand over of machines. (S22)
K15 K16 S7 S21 |
Describes how they have used verbal communication techniques and machining terminology which reflects the audience. (K15, S21) Describes how they record information using paper based and electronic techniques relevant to the machining role. (K16, S7) |
None. |
Quality assurance
K12 K19 S11 B3 |
Explains how they take responsibility for their work by following and applying inspection and quality assurance principles, processes and procedures to ensure products meet specification. States the escalation and recording procedures when issues are found. (K12, K19, S11, B3) |
None. |
Fault finding and taking action
K13 S19 |
Explains how they have used fault finding and diagnostic methods to diagnose and resolve faults. Describes where they have escalated issues they are unable to resolve. (K13, S19)
Justifies diagnostic methods they have used in the identification, resolution and reporting of faults and issues. (K13, S19) |
Arranging stock and supplies
K23 S6 |
Describes how they monitor, obtain and check stock and supplies, and how they complete stock returns in line with company procedures. Explains stock availability, value and lead times. (K23, S6)
Explains how they have or would manage difficulty with sourcing stock or supplies. (K23, S6)
Contributing to continuous improvement
K21 S23 B5 |
Describes how they have applied continuous improvement techniques and devised suggestions for improvement which add value to the organisation. (K21, S23) Describes how they reflect on their own practise and seek CPD opportunities. Explaining how they keep up to date with industry developments. (B5) |
Justifies continuous improvement suggestions which they have devised. (K21, S23)
Grade | Minimum marks required | Maximum marks required |
Fail | 0 | 20 |
Pass | 21 | 25 |
Distinction | 26 | 30 |
Performance in the EPA determines the apprenticeship grade of:
An independent assessor must individually grade the: practical demonstration with questions and interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence in line with this EPA plan.
The EPAO must combine the individual assessment method grades to determine the overall EPA grade.
If the apprentice fails one or more assessment methods, they will be awarded an overall fail.
To achieve an overall pass, the apprentice must achieve at least a pass in all the assessment methods. To achieve an overall EPA merit, apprentices must achieve a pass in the multiple-choice test, a pass in the practical demonstration with questions and a distinction in the interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence. To achieve an overall EPA distinction, apprentices must achieve a pass in the practical demonstration with questions, a distinction in the multiple-choice test and a distinction in the interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence.
Grades from individual assessment methods must be combined in the following way to determine the grade of the EPA overall.
Practical demonstration with questions | Interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence | Knowledge test | Overall Grading |
Fail | Any grade | Any grade | Fail |
Any grade | Fail | Any grade | Fail |
Any grade | Any grade | Fail | Fail |
Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass |
Pass | Pass | Distinction | Pass |
Pass | Distinction | Pass | Merit |
Pass | Distinction | Distinction | Distinction |
An apprentice who fails one or more assessment method(s) can take a re-sit or a re-take at their employer’s discretion. The apprentice’s employer needs to agree that a re-sit or re-take is appropriate. A re-sit does not need further learning, whereas a re-take does.
An apprentice should have a supportive action plan to prepare for a re-sit or a re-take.
The employer and EPAO agree the timescale for a re-sit or re-take. A re-sit is typically taken within 2 months of the EPA outcome notification. The timescale for a re-take is dependent on how much re-training is required and is typically taken within 4 months of the EPA outcome notification.
Failed assessment methods must be re-sat or re-taken within a 6-month period from the EPA outcome notification, otherwise the entire EPA will need to be re-sat or re-taken in full.
Re-sits and re-takes are not offered to an apprentice wishing to move from pass to a higher grade.
An apprentice will get a maximum EPA grade of pass for a re-sit or re-take, unless the EPAO determines there are exceptional circumstances.
Roles | Responsibilities |
Apprentice |
As a minimum, the apprentice should:
Employer |
As a minimum, the apprentice's employer must:
As a minimum, the EPAO must:
Independent assessor |
As a minimum, an independent assessor must:
Training provider |
As a minimum, the training provider must:
Marker |
As a minimum, the marker must:
Invigilator |
As a minimum, the invigilator must:
The EPAO must have reasonable adjustments arrangements for the EPA.
This should include:
Adjustments must maintain the validity, reliability and integrity of the EPA as outlined in this EPA plan.
Internal quality assurance refers to how the EPAO ensures valid, consistent and reliable EPA decisions. The EPAO must adhere to the requirements within the roles and responsibilities section and:
Affordability of the EPA will be aided by using at least some of the following:
This apprenticeship aligns with:
Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) for Engineering Technician (EngTech)
Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) for Engineering Technician (EngTech)
Institute of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) for Engineering Technician (EngTech)
Knowledge | Assessment methods |
Awareness of health and safety regulations, relevance to the occupation and the Machinist's responsibilities. Health and Safety at Work Act; Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH); Working in Confined Spaces; Lone Working; Provision of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER); Electrical Safety and Compliance; Noise Regulation; Slips Trips and Falls; Display Screen Equipment; The Reporting of Injuries, Disease and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR), Manual Handling, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), risk assessments and method statements and the implications of not adhering to guidelines and procedures. Back to Grading |
Knowledge test |
Awareness of hazardous waste regulations; Recyclable materials and waste disposal procedures and the implications of not complying with regulations and procedures. Back to Grading |
Knowledge test |
Awareness of environment and sustainability regulations, relevance to the occupation and the Machining Technician's responsibilities. Environmental Protection Act; Sustainability; Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE); Energy monitoring; Data logging to optimise energy performance; The Climate Change Agreements; Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC). Back to Grading |
Knowledge test |
Engineering representations, drawings, graphical information and specifications. Back to Grading |
Practical demonstration with questions |
Engineering mathematical and scientific principles: calculations, conversions, flow rates and equipment sizing. Back to Grading |
Knowledge test |
Planning techniques, time management, workflow, work scheduling, work plans, documents and work categorisation systems. Back to Grading |
Practical demonstration with questions |
Engineering materials and their structure, properties and characteristics; impact on use, how and why engineering materials can fail. Back to Grading |
Knowledge test |
Awareness of engineering standards and regulations: British Standards (BS); International Organisation for Standardisation standards (ISO); European Norm (EN); Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). Back to Grading |
Knowledge test |
Tooling and work-holding devices: purpose and operation of devices for carrying out complex machining tasks. Back to Grading |
Practical demonstration with questions |
Engineering machining processes tools and equipment: Milling; Turning; Grinding; Electro Discharge Machine (EDM); Gear Cutting. Back to Grading |
Practical demonstration with questions |
Machining operations and techniques to produce complex components. Back to Grading |
Practical demonstration with questions |
Quality assurance: principles, practices and record keeping. Back to Grading |
Interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence |
Fault finding, diagnostic methods and techniques for identifying engineering and manufacturing problems. Escalation techniques. Back to Grading |
Interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence |
Use and application of measurement, calibration and testing equipment. Back to Grading |
Practical demonstration with questions |
Communication techniques: verbal. Machining industry terminology. Back to Grading |
Interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence |
Documentation - electronic and paper. Back to Grading |
Interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence |
Housekeeping and maintenance practices and techniques: planned, preventative and predictive methods, frequency, and reactive activities. Back to Grading |
Knowledge test |
How organisations vary regarding their work, culture, values and production processes in the Machining industry. Back to Grading |
Interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence |
Inspection processes and procedures; documentation and escalation. Back to Grading |
Interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence |
Technological development and innovation in the machining sector; Industry 4.0; digitalisation. Back to Grading |
Knowledge test |
Continuous improvement principles and practices: Lean; Six Sigma; Kaizen. Back to Grading |
Interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence |
Equality, diversity and inclusion requirements in the workplace. Back to Grading |
Interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence |
Stock and services considerations. Availability, stock lead times. Correct handling. Stock value. Faulty stock and returns process. Back to Grading |
Interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence |
Skill | Assessment methods |
Comply with statutory health and safety regulations and procedures. Back to Grading |
Practical demonstration with questions |
Comply with environmental, ethical and sustainability regulations and procedures: safe disposal of waste, re-cycling or re-use of materials and efficient use of resources. Back to Grading |
Practical demonstration with questions |
Prepare and set up conventional or CNC machines. Back to Grading |
Practical demonstration with questions |
Operate and adjust conventional or CNC machines. Back to Grading |
Practical demonstration with questions |
Apply risk assessment and hazard identification processes and procedures in the work area. Back to Grading |
Practical demonstration with questions |
Monitor, obtain and check stock and supplies, and complete stock returns. Back to Grading |
Interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence |
Record information - paper based or electronic. For example, energy usage, job sheets, risk assessments, equipment service records, test results, handover documents and manufacturers' documentation, asset management records, work sheets, checklists, waste environmental records and any legal reporting requirements. Back to Grading |
Interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence |
Read and interpret information. For example, data and documentation used to produce machined components. Back to Grading |
Practical demonstration with questions |
Apply engineering, mathematical and scientific principles. Back to Grading |
Knowledge test |
Plan and organise own work and resources. Back to Grading |
Practical demonstration with questions |
Follow and apply inspection, quality assurance procedures and processes. Back to Grading |
Interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence |
Select machining process. Back to Grading |
Practical demonstration with questions |
Select and setup tooling and work holding devices. Back to Grading |
Practical demonstration with questions |
Set and adjust machine operating parameters. For example, setting feeds and speeds for roughing and finishing operations, downloading and editing programmes when using a CNC machine tool. Back to Grading |
Practical demonstration with questions |
Apply machining operations and techniques to produce complex components with features. For example, parallel; stepped; angular diameters and faces; grooves; slots; recesses and undercuts; radii and chamfers; internal and external forms and profiles; reamed; bored; drilled and electro eroded holes; internal and external screw threads. Back to Grading |
Practical demonstration with questions |
Measure and check components. Back to Grading |
Practical demonstration with questions |
Select and check condition of tools and equipment. Identify issues, resolve and take action as needed. Back to Grading |
Practical demonstration with questions |
Identify and action issues in the manufacturing process. Back to Grading |
Practical demonstration with questions |
Apply fault-finding and diagnostic testing procedures to identify faults. Diagnose and resolve issues. Escalate issues. Back to Grading |
Interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence |
Maintain the work area and return any resources and consumables. Back to Grading |
Practical demonstration with questions |
Communicate with others verbally. For example, colleagues and stakeholders. Back to Grading |
Interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence |
Follow machine shut down, safe isolation, handover, start up or warm up procedures. Escalate issues. Back to Grading |
Interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence |
Apply continuous improvement techniques. Devise suggestions for improvement. Back to Grading |
Interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence |
Apply ethical principles. Back to Grading |
Interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence |
Apply team working principles. Back to Grading |
Interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence |
Behaviour | Assessment methods |
Prioritise health and safety. Back to Grading |
Practical demonstration with questions |
Act ethically. Back to Grading |
Interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence |
Take responsibility for work. Back to Grading |
Interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence |
Team-focus to meet work goals, for example, work effectively with others, resolves issues in discussion with others. Back to Grading |
Interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence |
Committed to continued professional development (CPD) to maintain and enhance competence in their own area of practice. Back to Grading |
Interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence |
Support an equality, diverse and inclusive culture. Back to Grading |
Interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence |
KSBS GROUPED BY THEME | Knowledge | Skills | Behaviour |
Work environment
S1 S2 S5 S20 B1 |
N/A |
Comply with statutory health and safety regulations and procedures. (S1) Comply with environmental, ethical and sustainability regulations and procedures: safe disposal of waste, re-cycling or re-use of materials and efficient use of resources. (S2) Apply risk assessment and hazard identification processes and procedures in the work area. (S5) Maintain the work area and return any resources and consumables. (S20) |
Prioritise health and safety. (B1) |
Tools and equipment
K10 S17 |
Engineering machining processes tools and equipment: Milling; Turning; Grinding; Electro Discharge Machine (EDM); Gear Cutting. (K10) |
Select and check condition of tools and equipment. Identify issues, resolve and take action as needed. (S17) |
N/A |
K4 K6 S8 S10 |
Engineering representations, drawings, graphical information and specifications. (K4) Planning techniques, time management, workflow, work scheduling, work plans, documents and work categorisation systems. (K6) |
Read and interpret information. For example, data and documentation used to produce machined components. (S8) Plan and organise own work and resources. (S10) |
N/A |
Machine preparation
K9 S3 S12 S13 S14 |
Tooling and work-holding devices: purpose and operation of devices for carrying out complex machining tasks. (K9) |
Prepare and set up conventional or CNC machines. (S3) Select machining process. (S12) Select and setup tooling and work holding devices. (S13) Set and adjust machine operating parameters. For example, setting feeds and speeds for roughing and finishing operations, downloading and editing programmes when using a CNC machine tool. (S14) |
N/A |
Manufacture complex components with features
K11 K14 S4 S15 S16 S18 |
Machining operations and techniques to produce complex components. (K11) Use and application of measurement, calibration and testing equipment. (K14) |
Operate and adjust conventional or CNC machines. (S4) Apply machining operations and techniques to produce complex components with features. For example, parallel; stepped; angular diameters and faces; grooves; slots; recesses and undercuts; radii and chamfers; internal and external forms and profiles; reamed; bored; drilled and electro eroded holes; internal and external screw threads. (S15) Measure and check components. (S16) Identify and action issues in the manufacturing process. (S18) |
N/A |
KSBS GROUPED BY THEME | Knowledge | Skills | Behaviour |
Working in a machining environment
K18 K22 S22 S24 S25 B2 B4 B6 |
How organisations vary regarding their work, culture, values and production processes in the Machining industry. (K18) Equality, diversity and inclusion requirements in the workplace. (K22) |
Follow machine shut down, safe isolation, handover, start up or warm up procedures. Escalate issues. (S22) Apply ethical principles. (S24) Apply team working principles. (S25) |
Act ethically. (B2) Team-focus to meet work goals, for example, work effectively with others, resolves issues in discussion with others. (B4) Support an equality, diverse and inclusive culture. (B6) |
K15 K16 S7 S21 |
Communication techniques: verbal. Machining industry terminology. (K15) Documentation - electronic and paper. (K16) |
Record information - paper based or electronic. For example, energy usage, job sheets, risk assessments, equipment service records, test results, handover documents and manufacturers' documentation, asset management records, work sheets, checklists, waste environmental records and any legal reporting requirements. (S7) Communicate with others verbally. For example, colleagues and stakeholders. (S21) |
N/A |
Quality assurance
K12 K19 S11 B3 |
Quality assurance: principles, practices and record keeping. (K12) Inspection processes and procedures; documentation and escalation. (K19) |
Follow and apply inspection, quality assurance procedures and processes. (S11) |
Take responsibility for work. (B3) |
Fault finding and taking action
K13 S19 |
Fault finding, diagnostic methods and techniques for identifying engineering and manufacturing problems. Escalation techniques. (K13) |
Apply fault-finding and diagnostic testing procedures to identify faults. Diagnose and resolve issues. Escalate issues. (S19) |
N/A |
Arranging stock and supplies
K23 S6 |
Stock and services considerations. Availability, stock lead times. Correct handling. Stock value. Faulty stock and returns process. (K23) |
Monitor, obtain and check stock and supplies, and complete stock returns. (S6) |
N/A |
Contributing to continuous improvement
K21 S23 B5 |
Continuous improvement principles and practices: Lean; Six Sigma; Kaizen. (K21) |
Apply continuous improvement techniques. Devise suggestions for improvement. (S23) |
Committed to continued professional development (CPD) to maintain and enhance competence in their own area of practice. (B5) |
Contact us about this apprenticeship
Version | Change detail | Earliest start date | Latest start date | Latest end date |
1.3 | Standard and end point assessment plan revised | 01/03/2023 | Not set | Not set |
1.2 | Standard and end point assessment plan revised | 20/12/2022 | 28/02/2023 | Not set |
1.1 | Standard and end-point assessment plan revised | 24/11/2022 | 19/12/2022 | Not set |
1.0 | Approved for delivery | 09/11/2022 | 23/11/2022 | Not set |