IfATE launched a pilot of a proposed new funding band allocation model in January 2022 (cycle 39). We will run the proposed model for a 12-month period. After this time, it is our intention to retire the current funding band allocation model. During the pilot, we may make some changes to the model due to learning, insight and in response to feedback. The model will be finalised at the conclusion of the implementation pilot.

Proposed funding model background

For submissions to the approvals process from July 22 (cycle 42), it is expected that trailblazer groups will use the new funding band model. Only in exceptional circumstances would it be appropriate for a trailblazer group to use the current model. Your product manager (PM) will agree with you which model you will use. Your funding band recommendation will then be made using only that model.

Your product manager (PM) can lead a workshop to explain the new model.

1. Allocating a funding band guidance


Last updated 17 Jan 2023